10 Best Monica Quotes in ‘Friends,’ Ranked

10 Best Monica Quotes in ‘Friends,’ Ranked

To this day, Friends remains a sitcom that is both very rewatchable and very quotable. The show was always funny and witty, with constant one-liners that were unique and memorable. The show did a great job of balancing these great quotes among the group of them, and letting each of them have many memorable and iconic lines.

In many ways, Monica Geller was truly the central character in Friends, and she had so many great episodes and quotes. She was such a unique character, with her love of cleaning and staying in control, and her hatred of all things uncertainty. She also had some really great quotes that played off of her type-A personality. These are the 10 best Monica Geller quotes, ranked.

10 “Your little Harmonica is hammered!”

Season 7, Episode 14 (2001)

Image via NBC

The Geller parents were always popping in and out of the show to lead to hilarious subplots related to Monica and Ross. In Season 7, episode 14, “The One where They All Turn 30,” Rachel celebrated her thirtieth birthday, which led to all of the friends having flashbacks to their own thirtieth birthdays. For Monica’s, Chandler threw a surprise party for her.

When everyone gathered for Monica’s surprise party, it turned out that she had already gotten very drunk. She tried to play sober at Chandler’s suggestion, to no avail. It all came to a head when Monica had to give a speech, leading her to confess to her parents that she was drunk. Monica declared, “Your little Harmonica is hammered!” It was a funny moment, particularly because it was so rare for her to let loose like that.

9 “You’re not dressed yet? We’re supposed to start having fun in fifteen minutes!”

Season 6, Episode 6 (1999)

Monica Geller smiling in Friends Season 6
Image via NBC

One of the core aspects of Monica’s character was how controlling and uptight she could be. This sometimes led her to be the glue of the group, and other times it was really funny. In Season 6, episode 6, “The One on the Last Night,” Monica and Rachel prepared to spend their last night together as roommates before Monica was set to have Chandler move in.

Monica and Rachel had plans to go out to dinner with Phoebe on their last night, in order to celebrate Monica’s time living with Rachel, and Rachel moving in with Phoebe. When Rachel left her room for the evening, Monica said to her, “You’re not dressed yet? We’re supposed to start having fun in fifteen minutes!” To this, Rachel responded, “And clearly not a minute sooner!”

8 “Why didn’t you make a copy, and keep it in a fireproof box, and keep it at least a hundred yards from the original?”

Season 7, Episode 3 (2000)

Monica and Phoebe eating cookies in Friends Season 7
Image via NBC

Many of the jokes around Monica’s character came from her intensity, her careful planning, and her love of cleaning and organizing. Oftentimes, this would become obvious when her friends were falling behind in their own lives, as Monica loved jumping in to try to help them out. One such instance was in Season 7, episode 3, “The One with Phoebe’s Cookies.”

When Monica asked Phoebe for her grandmother’s chocolate chip cookie recipe as a wedding present, Phoebe revealed that the secret recipe had been burned in her apartment fire. Monica replied, “Why didn’t you make a copy, and keep it in a fireproof box, and keep it at least a hundred yards from the original?” It was a perfect example of Monica’s meticulous mindset, and how she expected this from others as well.

7 “He could hear me!”

Season 2, Episode 13 (1996)

Courteney Cox as Monica Geller in Friends
Image by NBC

Monica had some great quotes and one-liners, but she was also great with the comebacks as well. In Season 2, episode 13, “The One After the Superbowl: Part 2,” Monica was thrown off when she ran into her celebrity crush, Jean-Claude Van Damme. Before her marriage to Chandler, Monica’s love life was always a bit of a roller coaster ride.

When Rachel noticed Monica’s reaction, she tried to help her. Rachel said, “Go tell him he’s cute. What’s the worst thing that could happen?” To that, Monica replied, “He could hear me.” Just on its own, this line may not sound like much, but the quote is absolutely hilarious in context. Despite her confidence in many other areas of her life, Monica always had some nerves around dating.

6 “I needed a plan, a plan to get over my man. And what’s the opposite of man? Jam!”

Season 3, Episode 3 (1996)

Joey tasting Monica's homemade jam as she stands behind him in Friends
Image via NBC

Before Monica’s marriage to Chandler, her most significant relationship was with Richard Burke. Although the relationship was more than a bit odd, the experience was very defining for her character. Their breakup was very important for Monica to realize more about who she was and what she wanted. After the breakup, it took her a lot of time to recover.

One of the ways that Monica tried to get past the breakup was by making a lot of jam. In regards to her plan, Monica explained, “I needed a plan, a plan to get over my man. And what’s the opposite of man? Jam!” It was a very funny line, but it also reflected who Monica was. Even during the worst breakup of her life, she still wanted to refocus her energy into being productive.

5 “See? Now they’re as different as night and… later that night.”

Season 2, Episode 10 (1995)

Monica, Phoebe, and Chandler sitting together in Central Perk in Friends Season 2
Image via NBC

Ross and Rachel’s on-again-off-again relationship was a central part of Friends, and Monica was there on the sidelines for all of it, to provide advice and commentary. In Season 2, Rachel and Ross were on tense terms after she had discovered the list of cons that he had written about her. This was taken up to an entirely new level in Season 2, episode 10, “The One with Russ.”

When Rachel started dating a dull man who was absolutely identical to Ross in his appearance, all of the friends had their different opinions on it. When trying to see if the two men could ever seem anything less than identical, Monica commented, “See? Now they’re as different as night and… later that night.” It was a funny and well-meaning quote that showed Monica trying to be supportive in even the most ridiculous situation.

4 “I know!”

Multiple Seasons and Episodes

Monica standing outside her apartment looking shocked in Friends

Throughout the run of Friends, each of the six friends had certain qualities, quirks, and lines that were specific to each of them. Each of the friends eventually had their own catchphrase. Joey’s was “How you doin’?” Chandler’s was “Could I be anymore…?” Rachel’s was “No!” Phoebe’s was “Oh, no.” Ross’ was not as frequent as everyone else’s, but it was, “We were on a break!”

Monica’s catchphrase was one of the most iconic of the bunch, and it was, “I know!” Whenever someone else was reacting to something and Monica agreed with them, she would emphatically shout, “I know!” The best part of this catchphrase was definitely Courteney Cox‘s delivery, with how excited and over-the-top Monica would get every time she said it.

3 “And remember, if I’m harsh with you, it’s only because you’re doing it wrong.”

Season 10, Episode 18 (2004)

Rachel and Monica talking to each other in Friends
Image via NBC

One of Monica Geller’s most fundamental qualities was her controlling nature. This led to some very funny moments, where Monica was particularly controlling with her friends whenever they were doing a task. In the series finale, Monica and Chandler were overjoyed to welcome their babies home. Of course, Monica was especially intense about getting ready.

While Phoebe helped Monica get ready for the babies, Monica gave some funny and particular advice. “I need you to be careful and efficient, and remember, if I’m harsh with you, it’s only because you’re doing it wrong.” This was a hilarious example of Monica’s intensity and controlling nature. Additionally, it was one of her last iconic lines in the series.

2 “And now, here we are, with our future before us… and I only want to spend it with you, my prince, my soulmate, my friend.”

Season 7, Episode 24 (2001)

Monica, played by Courteney Cox, dancing with Chandler, played by Matthew Perry, on their wedding day in Friends
Image via NBC

Although Rachel and Ross’s romance got the most focus throughout the series’ run, Monica and Chandler’s love story was the best romance in Friends. Their arc of being friends for many years, then unexpectedly developing feelings for each other was really beautiful. From their secret relationship to their eventual wedding and marriage, the two of them had an amazing love story.

Some of the most romantic lines in Friends were spoken by Monica and Chandler to one another, especially in their proposal and their wedding vows. In her vows to Chandler, Monica said, “And now, here we are, with our future before us… and I only want to spend it with you, my prince, my soulmate, my friend.” It was a very beautiful and moving description of their relationship.

1 “Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You’re gonna love it.”

Season 1, Episode 1 (1994)

Chandler, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, and Ross in the pilot episode of Friends
Image via NBC

From the pilot episode of Friends, it was clear that Monica was at the center of the group. Season 1, Episode 1, “The One where Rachel Gets a Roommate” showed the friends all sitting together in Central Perk and talking. The introduction of Monica’s former best friend, Rachel, shook things up for everybody in the group.

Even though Rachel had completely dropped her as a friend years ago, Monica dropped everything to help her. She let Rachel move in with her, and she welcomed Rachel into her group of friends. When Rachel finally started to take steps towards becoming independent, Monica said, “Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You’re gonna love it.” This quote is very relatable, but it also shows Monica’s kindness and her instinct to take care of other people.

NEXT: The Funniest ‘Friends’ Episodes, Ranked


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