Why Savannah Deserved Better in Season 7

Why Savannah Deserved Better in Season 7

Season 7 of The Circle brought plenty of twists, but Savannah Miller’s shocking elimination after a strong and romantic alliance with Kevin Fernandez left fans speechless. Even though, in the very first challenge on the reality series, she was ranked Number 2 and became an influencer, she found herself at the bottom and then got blocked by Kevin and Gianna (played by twin brothers Nicky and Jojo Scarlotta). Despite defending Kevin during heated group chats, forming a strong yet romantic alliance, and claiming to have a crush on him, she got played.

Kevin and Savannah Became ‘The Circle’ Couple

Image via Netflix

With her bubbly and charismatic personality, Savannah entered with a strong mindset of authenticity and not faking anything in her profile. She started a private chat with Kevin as she seemed to be stuck in a spot of having a crush on him and trying to get the conversation started.

I feel like a middle schooler with a crush,” Savannah claimed before starting a private chat with Kevin. It was no surprise that Kevin was also looking forward to this chat as he was totally blushing seeing Savanna’s request to begin a chat. “This is exactly what I was hoping for,” Kevin stated before accepting Savannah’s invite.

They had both formed a strong alliance, where Kevin also became the #circlestepdaddy of Savannah’s dog: Samson, who entered The Circle with her. Sparks were flying between the two as both of them were quite flirtatious in their chat and seemed to have a lot of fun. Kevin was clear about his stance towards Savannah by saying, “Your #PuppyStepPops has your back.” #Kevannah was formed and fans were already shipping them.

In the ‘#Throwback Thirsty Challenge’, Kevin and Savannah both supported each other by giving the most fire emojis and full-on showing off their bond in front of the Circle group.

However, with the entry of wild card entry, Madelyn Rusinyak, Kevin seemed a bit drawn towards her, and throwing the Welcome Party for the new wild card entries and not inviting Savannah was the worst decision he could have made. Inviting Gianna was a strategic move on his end to form the alliance and get their support for the Ranking however, it definitely did the opposite as Savannah already had a bickering relationship with Gianna due to the last blocking where Savannah tried to block Gianna and did not even talk to explain the reason why.

Gianna Was Persistent on Eliminating Savannah

Gianna aka the Scarotta Twins on 'The Circle' Season 7
Image via Netflix

Gianna (played by twin brothers, Nicky and Jojo Scarlotta), was quite mad with the fact that Savannah and Andy (played by Heather Richardson) decided to block Gianna from the game. Well to be fair, Andy had to support his boys alliance- Kevin and Darian Holt, and Gianna hadn’t had any conversation with either of them. Hence, they decided to collectively block Gianna. However, Gianna got saved as they chose to be the Disruptor and as a result, stayed in the game. Andy started a private chat and apologized to Gianna stating why they made this decision, but Savannah never spoke with Gianna, leading to a sense of disloyalty in her end.

However, it was Kevin who was majorly responsible for Savannah’s elimination. He chose his alliance with the ‘Bros’ and defended Andy, who Gianna was also okay with eliminating. It came as a shocker when they announced that it was in fact Savannah getting eliminated.

Seeing her in tears and feeling betrayed by Kevin out of everyone was something no one expected. It was even surprising as while the decision was being made, the others were in a group as they were #AtRisk of being eliminated. While Rachel was fully attacking Kevin, it was Savannah who was defending him along with the others and claimed to have a ‘crush’ on him in front of the entire group.

Even before leaving, she had the opportunity to meet any one of her circle buddies and she still decided to meet Kevin. It was such a powerful move on her end as she proved that she was genuine and honest about her identity and her connection with Kevin. It left Kevin questioning his actions and regretting his decision, but it was too late.

What to Expect Next in ‘The Circle’ Season 7

Savannah plays the first game on 'The Circle' Season 7.
Image via Netflix

With betrayals already unfolding, alliances forming, and strategies taking shape, there’s plenty more to come. But one thing is certain: Savannah deserved to stay in the game a little longer. Her honesty with Rachel (played by Debora Levy), especially when sharing her battle with a brain tumor, showed positivity and sincerity, making her a fan favorite. Many are hoping she’ll return, whether in a challenge or as a wild card entry.

The first eight episodes are out, with episodes 9-12 set to release on September 25, and the final episode airing on October 2.

The Circle Season 7 is available to stream on Netflix.

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