Live From the Other Side With Tyler Henry Is Netflix’s Worst Live Show Yet

Live From the Other Side With Tyler Henry Is Netflix’s Worst Live Show Yet

As Netflix moves into more live events, there has been plenty to be excited about; whether it is tuning in for a hot dog eating contest or a comedy roast, the approach seems to have paid off to get viewers to come together for a joint viewing experience. This format seems key to the future of Netflix, as they move forward to include sporting events in their line-up as well, the streaming landscape may be turning into a mix of live and cataloged content.

Yet, one recent addition to the library is gaining traction, Live From the Other Side With Tyler Henry, which goes to show that Netflix may be looking more at maximizing profit than offering quality content. Employing a controversial practice and glamorizing it with stars from other Netflix shows, the recent live event is the worst offering yet from the streaming giant.

What Is Live From the Other Side With Tyler Henry?

The live Netflix event which may have fallen under the radar for some, Live From the Other Side With Tyler Henry dropped its first episode on September 17, 2024. The event features renowned psychic medium to Hollywood stars, Tyler Henry. Henry, now 28, claims to have had the ability to speak with the dead since he was 10, and has used it to carve out an impressive career. This includes Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry which aired on E!, and the Netflix show Life After Death with Tyler Henry. He has also authored two books and performed various live events.

The most recent live event for Netflix is formatted as a moderated sit down with other Netflix stars that sees him reaching out to the deceased as a means to find closure. The premiere episode featured Selling Sunset star Chrishell Stause, her sister Shonda Davisson, and friends including celebrity hairstylist Chris Appleton and television host Nina Parke. During the 43-minute episode, Henry made contact with Stause’s late mother, and Parke’s with a cousin who had passed away earlier in the year. The remaining episodes look to follow a similar format.

Cold Reading Has Been Debunked Time and Time Again

There is no denying that Tyler Henry is charismatic and that he has built a successful business off of his personality and ability to communicate with people. Still, his methodology is something that has been debunked time and time again. The main process is called cold reading, which utilizes generalized statements to draw information from others; using broad terms, and then feeding off of reactions from participants. One can start with a simple concept like “the family going through a hard time recently” and build to more concrete conclusions.

Henry is not unique in using this approach, and he always starts with very broad suggestions to build to his conclusions. What has earned this much ire from many, is that this method always works better on those looking for answers, and thrives on vulnerability for its most accuracy. This approach has had some label him a ‘grief vampire.’ While it appears he may be helping people in the moment, there are also accounts of people feeling worse after the reading. Rebecca Watson, who is part of the ‘debunker community,’ touched on this in a longer article for Future Tense. Her interactions with another psychic medium, the amount of relief she felt followed by anger at being tricked, took a mental toll on her and pushed her to be an advocate against the practice.

Tyler Henry has also been accused of more specific modern cons in his approach. Of course, dealing with celebrities, there is much more public knowledge and info to be dug up by combing through social media and news stories. In a longer piece on the site Nicki Swift, they go into further details of how it is more than likely that Henry conducted research for his subjects before meeting him. This is certainly a concern in the modern era, where people can often be unaware of how much of their lives can be pieced together by online activity.

Netflix’s Unfortunate Choice to Include Questionable Content

This is not necessarily the first time that Netflix has given a platform to contentious material, with their series The Goop Lab facing similar scrutiny about being allowed to be included on the platform. Little discussed in The Goop Lab was harmful, but the Gwyneth Paltrow-owned company has also come under scrutiny for its unproved vaginal health products and potentially dangerous treatments (Bee Venom Therapy). This is important to note, as Tyler Henry is not the only controversial Netflix original that gave a platform to questionable content.

Where Tyler Henry is a bit more dubious is that he works within the realm of grief counseling using an unproven method that is likely deceitful. Add in the fact that he works with celebrities, and the practice will be seen as more acceptable and glamorized to those vulnerable and seeking answers to their grief. It sets a bad precedent of acceptance of alternative therapy that can be more harmful than helpful, and Netflix allowing this on the platform shows that the company prioritizes profit over morality; not that this is surprising of a streaming service, but it is an unfortunate truth to be reminded of with shows like Live From the Other Side With Tyler Henry.

“There is a distinct difference between having an open mind and having a hole in your head from which your brain leaks out.” James Randi, famous debunker of psychic phenomena

Do your research and always be skeptical of someone who offers answers via unproven methodology. Many who put in the time will be able to see a show like Live From the Other Side With Tyler Henry as the likely con that it is.


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