Mrs. Doubtfire’s Lisa Jakub Remembers Robin Williams’ Openness About Mental Health

Mrs. Doubtfire’s Lisa Jakub Remembers Robin Williams’ Openness About Mental Health


  • Lisa Jakub fondly remembers Robin Williams’ impact on mental health advocacy, describing him as kind and open about personal struggles.
  • Williams supported veterans by integrating them into production sets, reflecting his respect and gratitude towards those who served.
  • Williams went above and beyond for Jakub, advocating for her education by penning a letter to her principal after she was expelled.

Mrs. Doubtfire is getting renewed interest after Lisa Jakub shared fond recollection of the late actor Robin Williams. Jakub revealed the profound impact of Williams to her off-screen life, especially concerning mental health advocacy.

Jakub, who played Lydia Hillard, one of Williams’ children in Mrs. Doubtfire, shared memories of her time with Williams, emphasizing the genuine care he extended towards his colleagues and others struggling with mental health issues. In a heartfelt tribute, she described Williams as the quintessential movie dad, filled with kindness and a willingness to share his own challenges to help others feel less alone. Jakub said in her interview with Fox News:

Robin was everything you would hope Robin would be, and it’s so wonderful to think back on him now.

During her tenure on the set of Mrs. Doubtfire, Jakub was touched by Williams’ openness about his mental health struggles. According to her, Williams was among the first to speak openly about such personal challenges, offering Jakub a perspective that was both enlightening and comforting.

“[Robin was] probably
one of the first people who ever really spoke to me super honestly about mental health
. And he would talk to me about his struggles and the things that he went through. And it was the first time that I felt like, ‘Oh, I’m not a freak. I don’t have to hide this about myself. This is just something that some of us have to deal with.'”

Jakub also shared Williams’ commitment to supporting veterans. Beyond his cinematic achievements, the late actor quietly ensured that production sets doubled as platforms for meaningful support, specifically by integrating veterans into the crew and cast as background actors. Jakub, looking back on her experiences, expressed surprise at learning about this facet of Williams’ legacy only after their collaboration.


The Best Movies and TV Shows That Put a Spotlight on Mental Health

Mental health has been a long-standing taboo subject in society, but movies have helped to bring it to the forefront.

This practice, unknown to many at the time, shows a thoughtful gesture reflecting Williams’ respect and gratitude toward those who served. She said:

“So many people have told me that Robin did a lot of work with the veteran population as well, and that he always had production crews hire local veterans to be background actors or things like that on set.”

Robin Williams’ Gesture of Support for Mrs. Doubtfire Co-Star Goes Beyond the Set

Jakub herself received personal help from Williams when the late actor found out that she was expelled from her Canadian high school due to the difficulties of managing schoolwork from afar during filming. In response to her distress, Williams penned a heartfelt letter to her principal, advocating her education.

“I got thrown out of high school on Doubtfire. I’m Canadian. I was attending high school in Canada, then I left for four months to film the movie. We were going to set up this system, pre-internet, where I’d mail my school work back and forth to the school. We did that for a while,” Jakub shared.

We were a couple of months into filming, and my school in Canada sent a note saying: ‘This isn’t working for us anymore, don’t come back.’ Yeah, 9th grade. I was devastated. It was just so heartbreaking, because I had this life that was very unusual, and that was the one normal thing.


Robin Williams’ 10 Greatest TV Performances

Nods to this legend! Although he was mostly known for his iconic movie roles, here are Robin Williams’ greatest TV performances.

Ironically, while the principal chose to frame the letter rather than reconsider Jakub’s expulsion, the gesture depicts Williams’ deep care for his colleagues.

“The amazing thing was Robin saw that I was upset — he asked me what was going on. He wrote a letter to my principal saying that he wanted them to rethink this decision and that I was just trying to pursue my education and career at the same time, and could they please support me in this. The principal got the letter, framed the letter, put it up in the office, and didn’t ask me to come back. Amazing.”

Mrs. Doubtfire, a comedy about a divorced father who disguises himself as a British nanny to stay close to his children, was not just a box office triumph but also a film that brought families together with laughter and warmth. Grossing over $441 million worldwide, the film is celebrated for its heartfelt story and Williams’ unforgettable performance.

Mrs. Doubtfire

Mrs. Doubtfire

Release Date
November 24, 1993

Chris Columbus


She makes dinner. She does windows. She reads bedtime stories. She’s a blessing… in disguise.


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