A Dwindling Player Count and a Terrible Steam Score Means the Upcoming Starfield Update May Be the Most Important of Its Short Time

A Dwindling Player Count and a Terrible Steam Score Means the Upcoming Starfield Update May Be the Most Important of Its Short Time

Once recognized as the most hyped title in the history of Bethesda games, Starfield now struggles to stay on top. On Steam, the game has hardly kept up strong numbers, and the player base is starting to lose interest. Furthermore, mixed reviews across the board are still a common topic of conversation. 

It doesn’t help to have ‘Mostly Negative’ reviews on Steam either. The title has not been received well by the majority of Bethesda fans, except for a few who have delved deeper into everything the game truly has to offer. Or at least, the promise of it. 

Despite the Promise of New Updates, Starfield Seems to be Unsatisfactory

Where is Bethesda even going with this one?

Steam reviews for Starfield have the power to turn players away in an instant. Even those who never stumbled upon Bethesda’s rich history. Unlike the Fallout or The Elder Scrolls games, Starfield struggles to maintain a player base despite being created by a studio that used to specialize in making engaging single-player experiences.

At the time of writing, the game doesn’t even have 10,000 active players. There was an all-time peak of 330,597, but that number seems far-fetched now. According to Steam Charts, the player base has been on the verge of declining ever since its launch in September last year. 

Interestingly, Bethesda hasn’t refrained from displaying all the critical acclaim and nominations the game has received. This may be hard to believe and feels like a huge push in marketing rather than actually building a game that stands the test of time.

Bug Fixes and Updates Seem to be the Game’s Passive Struggle

Starfield needs expansions
Updates do not feel like enough anymore.

Since its launch, Starfield received a great deal of attention for all its bugs and glitches. Considered to be more of a tradition rather than a problem by many, Bethesda didn’t back down from negative feedback, and has been trying to improve the game’s quality of life through various updates.

Moreover, the next big update will feature a series of improvements that span everything from little details to larger changes. This will include fixes in textures, bugs, and improved lighting conditions. However, the question remains: will this be enough? 

Players often connect the quality of a game like Starfield to their individual experiences. Be it exploring larger planets or doing small side-quests for strangers. Everything blends in to make a larger-than-life experience. Unfortunately, most of the game reviews speak of it in a way that indicates a lack of enjoyment.

Now, that’s a core problem. Whether it’s through mods, DLCs, or planned expansions for the future; it seems like Bethesda needs to take another look at what’s supposed to make (and keep) Starfield an enjoyable experience.

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