Armie Hammer Says LAPD Investigated Him for 2.5 Years

Armie Hammer Says LAPD Investigated Him for 2.5 Years

Armie Hammer has opened up about being under investigation by the LAPD for a couple of years over the sexual misconduct allegations levied against him.

During an appearance on Club Random with Bill Maher, the actor reflected on the troubling time when he was under investigation for two and a half years by the LAPD over sexual misconduct allegations. According to Hammer, the LAPD went through his phone records, e-mails, and eyewitness reports as a result of several women accusing him of sexual misconduct, including having rape and cannibalism fantasies, in 2021.

Hammer said police found no evidence and revealed that he also went through a thorough psychological evaluation, which ruled he wasn’t the person that people were trying to paint him to be.  

“They investigated me for two and a half years in a time where if they could have nailed someone like me, it would’ve been such a boon for the LAPD,” he said. “After two and a half years, they came to the conclusion that there was no evidence of any crime had been committed, and then the other thing is there was a full psychological evaluation that I had to go through in the Cayman Islands because of the custody battle.”

He added, “So I had to subject myself to a multi-month full psychological evaluation, and the report at the end of that was glowing…..they were like ‘he’s got issues, but he’s not what people are saying.'”


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