‘By the grace of God, I’m still here’ – DNyuz

‘By the grace of God, I’m still here’ – DNyuz

A hospitalized man explained the circumstances that led to his bizarre ejection from a recreational vehicle while his wife drove on a California highway.

Video showed the moment a vehicle swerved out of the way to avoid running into Cordell Patrick, a former ESPN sportscaster who was on vacation with his wife. They were driving through the city of Newhall when the accident happened.

Patrick says that he had gotten out of his seat to go the bathroom in the recreational vehicle when he noticed that his wife had fallen asleep at the wheel and they were drifting dangerously toward the center median.

“I noticed my wife had dozed off, so instead of going straight, we were headed toward the median,” he said. “I tried grabbing the steering wheel, but before I could grab it we already had impact.”

The motorhome slammed into the median, and the impact sent Patrick through the driver’s window onto the highway.

“All I’m thinking about is that I’m going to get hit by a car,” he said. “I’m on one of the busiest freeways in L.A. County so what was going through my mind was, ‘I’ll be dead shortly.’”

He realized he had survived after he came to a stop on the other side of the median. He said that many good Samaritans stopped to provide him aid.

“I just dragged myself and then I leaned up my back against the median until help could come and help came pretty quick,” Patrick said.

He suffered numerous injuries.

“I got road rash on 60% of my body, broken ankle, broken bones above the ankle, broken bones below my knee, broken toes,” he said, in addition to 17 stitches, a dislocated shoulder and lacerations to his head.

His wife was unhurt, and no other driver was hurt in the incident. Their beagle who was in the vehicle was also uninjured. The motorhome however, was mostly destroyed.

He went on to say that he believes God intervened to save him.

“I am blessed, it’s a God thing, man,” he said. “It’s strictly a God thing. By the grace of God I’m still here, man!”

He says he is going to start a podcast about his experience.

“It was divine intervention,” Patrick concluded. “If you didn’t think there was a higher power before this, I’m a living witness and I’ve got a living testimony to tell.”

Here’s the interview with Patrick:

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The post Former ESPN sportscaster explains how he was ejected out of RV into traffic on highway: ‘By the grace of God, I’m still here’ appeared first on TheBlaze.


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