Diego Luna Teases Rogue One Cameos & Connections in Andor Season 2

Diego Luna Teases Rogue One Cameos & Connections in Andor Season 2


  • The second season of
    will have a distinct
    Rogue One
    focus, leading directly into the film’s events.
  • Rogue One
    characters likely to appear in season two include Mon Mothma and Saw Gerrera, with a potential K-2SO appearance.
  • Diego Luna promises fans season two will provide rich storytelling and tie up loose ends from season one.

Diego Luna has revealed some key details about the second and final season of Andor, and they should make Rogue One fans very happy indeed. At this weekend’s ACE Superhero Comic Con in San Antonio, Texas, Luna told fans that season two of the Star Wars live-action series will have a distinct focus on Rogue One, with more cameos and a storyline that will change the way fans see the 2016 prequel.

According to a report by Popverse, Luna confirmed statements from creator and showrunner Tony Gilroy that the season will lead directly into the events of Rogue One. That means we will see some familiar faces from the film that will provide more depth and context. Luna said:

I can tell you, Rogue One is coming, so there will be characters there that you will recognize. There will be cool stuff. For those who love Rogue One, this season is going to be very special. And it’s going to be fascinating to go straight to Rogue One after watching this second season, because you will see Rogue One from a different perspective. I promise you that.

While the first season took a deep dive into Cassian’s past, it did feature some Rogue One characters in several subplots. Mon Mothma (played by Genevieve O’Reilly) and Saw Gerrera (played by Forest Whitaker) both appeared in the series. A minor character named Melshi (played by Duncan Pow), who was one of Andor’s cellmates in the series, appears in Rogue One as one of the Rebels in the Battle of Scarif.

Andor Season Two Expands the Rogue One Story

Season one of the acclaimed series was set five years before the events of Rogue One, and followed Cassian’s life as a rogue scavenger and the events that drove him to join the Rebel Alliance. Gilroy has previously revealed that season two’s 12 episodes would be broken down into three-episode arcs, each covering one of the final four years, with the finale leading directly into Rogue One.

Tony Gilroy’s involvement in Andor stemmed from his work saving Rogue One. He was brought in to oversee reshoots and changes to director Gareth Edward’s original cut, taking the film from what was reportedly a confusing mess that tested poorly to arguably the best Star Wars film of the Disney era. His changes worked so well, Lucasfilm approached him to oversee the Andor series.

Luna provided more details of the direction season two will take, and didn’t hold back:

It’s fantastic. The only thing I can tell you is what happens at the end. It’s the world upside down. That’s the only thing you don’t talk about in an interview, but here we all know what the end is. I can tell you one thing, Tony Gilroy is a fantastic writer, and he created amazing characters that we got to meet in
season one. It’s going to be a very rich second season, because all those stories matter today. It is a true ensemble piece. It got very complicated in season one, and everything has to get resolved. Every story matters.


Star Wars: Andor: Every Season 1 Episode, Ranked

Now an Emmy-nominee, here’s our ranking of Andor’s episodes in Season 1.

While Luna didn’t provide specifics about season two characters, fans are already speculating that Alan Tudyk’s K-2SO will appear. It would make sense, as we know thanks to Rogue One that they have a history. O’Reilly’s Mon Mothma and Whitaker’s Saw Gerrera are likely to return, and it would make sense that Rebel leader Bail Organa (played by Jimmy Smits) would appear as well.

Season one of
streaming now on Disney+
. While a release date for season two has not been announced, it is expected to be in 2025.


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