Eleanor & Chidi’s Relationship Timeline Explained

Eleanor & Chidi’s Relationship Timeline Explained


  • Chidi and Eleanor’s relationship in The Good Place was unconventional and faced many challenges, but their love ultimately made them soul mates.
  • Despite having their memories erased multiple times in reboots, Chidi never stopped teaching Eleanor about ethics, leading to their growth and development.
  • After overcoming obstacles and finding romantic bliss, Chidi and Eleanor enjoyed eternity together in the Good Place before eventually choosing to go through the door together.

Chidi and Eleanor’s unlikely relationship in The Good Place saw outrageous ups and downs, but that’s all part of what made their romance great. The NBC series, which ran from 2016 to 2020, explored concepts of the afterlife in a comedic yet impactful way, and this was largely reflected in the relationship between these two characters. Chidi and Eleanor were never supposed to fall in love, but their time together in The Good Place made them soul mates.

Unlike typical soul mates, Eleanor and Chidi didn’t meet until after they were already dead. However, since thousands of years passed during The Good Place‘s four seasons, their actual lives didn’t mean much. After all, it was based on the way that the pair lived on Earth that Michael determined that they would be the perfect people to torture one another for all eternity. What this demon didn’t expect was that Eleanor and Chidi would help each other become better people—again and again—and that doing so would bind their souls forever. This all started with The Good Place‘s first episode.


The Good Place’s True Meaning & Message Explained

The Good Place was a complex show that intertwined comedy and philosophy. Now, three years after its end, here’s some of the main messages explained.

Eleanor & Chidi Meet And Begin “Good” Lessons

The Good Place Season 1, Episodes 1 – 9

Eleanor’s first meeting (of many) with Chidi was in The Good Place season 1, episode 1, “Everything is Fine.” Michael introduced the pair as soul mates, but this wasn’t technically true. His real plan was to put Eleanor and Chidi together so they could torture each other—Eleanor with her trash-bag ways and Chidi with his superiority—and for a while, this happened. However, Chidi continued to teach Eleanor about ethics, and she began to teach the teacher what it meant to be more spontaneous and live more deliberately.

Over time, Eleanor and Chidi successfully helped each other become better people, and they slowly began to develop feelings for one another. Of course, given the complicated nature of their relationship and the stress they were under trying to keep Eleanor from going to the Bad Place, they didn’t have much time to explore this relationship. However, when Eleanor was faced with the reality of going to the Bad Place after coming clean to Michael, she realized she needed to make some confessions to Chidi as well.

Eleanor Confesses Her Love To Chidi & The Reboots Begin

The Good Place Season 1, Episode 10 – Season 2, Episode 10

Eleanor and chidi talking in The Good Place

The arrival of Real Eleanor at the end of The Good Place season 1 spurred Eleanor to confess her feelings to Chidi. Unfortunately, nearly everyone else decided to do the same. Since making decisions was never Chidi’s strong suit, he was tormented by the need to pick between Eleanor, Real Eleanor, and Tahani—so he simply shut down. By the final episode of The Good Place season 1, “Michael’s Gambit,” Eleanor’s feelings for Chidi took a second seat to her realization that she, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason were all actually in the Bad Place. Thus, Michael’s reboots began.

To prove that his Good Place experiment could work, Michael rebooted the neighborhood 802 times. Every time this happened, Chidi and Eleanor’s memories were erased, and their relationship started all over again. Sometimes, they remained friends, but other times they became all-out lovers who shared romantic picnics or confessed their feelings at Mindy St. Claire’s, and this continued for about 300 Earth years. The interesting thing about these reboots is that, though Eleanor and Chidi’s memories were erased every time, their souls seemed to almost remember one another.

No matter the nature of their relationship in the various reboots, Chidi never once refused to teach Eleanor about ethics. This was a key factor in their growth in The Good Place.

Chidi Kisses Eleanor & They Are Sent Back To Earth

The Good Place Season Season 2, Episode 11 – Season 3, Episode 9

Chidi and Eleanor kissing in the Good Place

The end of The Good Place season 3 saw the end of Michael’s reboots, and after struggling with the knowledge that she and Chidi had been in love countless times over the last few centuries, Eleanor finally decided to share this truth. However, thanks to Chidi’s continued indecisiveness, he was again reluctant to do anything about his own feelings. This changed after the Good Place crew presented their case to the Judge. Knowing that everything was hanging in the balance, Chidi finally made a bold move and kissed Eleanor—just in time for their memories to be, again, erased.

Michael and the Judge decided in The Good Place season 2, episode 13, “Somewhere Else,” that Chidi, Eleanor, Tahani, and Jason would be sent back to Earth to continue living after their original deaths. This gave the group a chance to prove they had become better people in Michael’s fake Good Place, but it also meant that Eleanor and Chidi’s relationship was again put on pause. After another “first” meeting, the pair began a friendship, which yet again resulted in Eleanor falling in love and Chidi being wholly unsure about anything he wanted.


10 The Good Place Moments That Made Fans Cry

The Good Place may have been a sitcom, but Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, Jason, Janet, and Michael shared quite a few touching moments throughout the show.

Chidi & Eleanor Pause Their Relationship (Again) For The New Afterlife Test

The Good Place Season 3, Episode 10 – Season 4, Episode 8

Eleanor and Chidi watching slideshow in The Good Place

The chaos on Earth unfolded in The Good Place season 3 without many major advancements in Chidi and Eleanor’s romance. However, after the central four learned the truth about their lives from Michael and Janet, and Eleanor learned that she and Chidi had been in love for centuries, that began to change. Once again, she confessed her feelings, and he wasn’t sure how to handle it. It wasn’t until Eleanor had an identity crisis in Janet’s void that Chidi finally got his act together and gave his soul mate another kiss. Finally, the pair had a few episodes of romantic bliss together.

Of course, this didn’t last. After convincing the Judge to let them create a test to determine whether souls doomed for the Bad Place could be rehabilitated, Eleanor and Chidi believed they could live like a real couple while pretending to be residents of Michael’s fake Good Place. Unfortunately, it wound up being necessary for Chidi to serve as one of the test subjects. In perhaps the most heartbreaking moment in The Good Place, the lovers say their goodbyes before Chidi’s memory is temporarily erased. For an entire year, Eleanor pretended to be a virtual stranger.

Chidi & Eleanor Enjoy Eternity In The Good Place… Until It’s Time To Go

The Good Place Season 4, Episodes 9 – 14

The Good Place season 4, episode 9, “The Answer,” sees Chidi finally get all his memories back for the last time, and it changes him significantly. Remembering all his past romantic moments with Eleanor completely eliminated his indecisiveness, and he used this newfound confidence to give her a passionate kiss and give the Judge the big idea that would save Earth. Finally, everything really was okay, and Eleanor and Chidi could be together in the real Good Place. Of course, they first had to fix the problem of everyone there being vapid zombies.

Once the Good Place was all sorted out by Eleanor’s idea of giving its residents an “out” through a door to the mysterious great beyond, she and Chidi were finally free to enjoy their happily ever after. Together, they lived in the Good Place for thousands of Jeremy Bearimys. They reconnected with their families, achieved all their dreams, traveled the world, and watched countless sunsets. Eventually, Chidi felt so at peace that he decided it was his time to go through the door.

It took a while for Eleanor to get on board, but she eventually realized that if Chidi was ready, she couldn’t get in his way. In The Good Place season 4, episode 14, “Whenever You’re Ready,” the pair watched their last sunset together. Eleanor wasn’t quite ready to go, but it wouldn’t be long before she found such contentedness herself (through helping Michael become a human) and entered the door as well. After a long and tumultuous journey in The Good Place, Eleanor and Chidi’s souls returned to the ocean.


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