Tiffany Haddish Tracked Down Trolls’ Personal Info and Called Them

Tiffany Haddish Tracked Down Trolls’ Personal Info and Called Them

Troll Tiffany Haddish at your own risk.

The comedian and actress tells Amy Kaufman of the Los Angeles Times about the extreme lengths she went to last year amid a barrage of hateful online comments. Haddish, 44, recalls creating a fake Instagram account for her “alter ego” Sarah, who would confront her trolls by “deploying details from their personal lives.”

On occasion, the Emmy winner has even spoken to her haters on the phone.

“I’ve learned how to find people’s information—like I pull up the credit report, police records. You can do that for $1.99,” Haddish explained. “Sometimes, I get so mad that I’ll get they phone number and I’ll just call them.”

Tiffany was unfazed by Kaufman’s look of disbelief, describing how some of these calls have gone down.

“Oh, I have called people, honey,” she said. “They be shocked that I called. They’ll be like, ‘I can’t believe you even saw that.’ You did a whole video, bitch! You made a full, five-minute video! On the internet, people think they can just say whatever and you not gonna say anything. I try my best not to, but I’m a human being.”

Haddish once hired a digital forensics analyst to help her determine where a series of death threats were coming from. She says she felt better upon discovering that 75 percent of the messages were from Malaysia and Iran through bots.


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