Why ‘90 Day Fiancé’ Star’s Outrageous Behavior Works for TLC

Why ‘90 Day Fiancé’ Star’s Outrageous Behavior Works for TLC

The Big Picture

  • Angela Deem’s behavior on 90 Day Fiancé showcases aggression and control towards her husband.
  • Fans have repeatedly expressed outrage at Angela’s behavior, but she continues to thrive on the show.
  • Reality TV stars like Angela set a negative precedent for future cast members, perpetuating dysfunction.

90 Day Fiancé star Angela Deem has been on the receiving end of some major backlash, but her behavior over the years hints at bigger issues within reality TV. Angela has been a wild child since she first appeared in the series. From the moment she smooshed cake in Michael Ilesanmi‘s face, it was clear she was a woman no one should mess with. Over the years, she only became more aggressive, manipulative, and even abusive toward her husband while on the 90 Day Fiancé series. She neglected her husband’s desires and got plastic surgery instead of looking more into IVF. She restricted his internet and social media usage. The 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? didn’t even want him working or having extra money without her knowing about it.

Angela’s jealous and outrageous behavior has become an important cornerstone of the franchise, even though her actions are widely viewed as distasteful and maybe even harmful to the construct of relationships. Time and time again, fans begged to have her removed from the franchise, only for her to reappear stronger than ever. At the most recent Tell All, her antics were at an all-time high, causing the largest outcry the series has seen. Once again, Angela and her forceful attitude are making headlines and fans are outraged. But just as Angela’s actions are overdone and played, so are the outcries. After over half a decade on the 90 Day Fiancé series, the constant complaining has only become redundant and results in few changes. Not to mention, her actions have contributed to larger problems within reality TV. Here’s how the star is shaking up the reality TV sector.

TLC 90 Day Fiancé Franchise and Angela Deem Exploits Outrageous Behavior

Image via TLC

There’s no denying that Angela’s antics over the years have gone from worrisome to worse. When Angela first appeared in the franchise, she made it clear that she was a woman who held the people she cared about to certain expectations. Angela knew exactly what she wanted and liked and was never afraid to verbalize it. She also refused to be disrespected by anyone, especially her husband. However, the methods she used to express her boundaries weren’t appropriate, even in the beginning. Not only would she scream to the point of losing her voice, but she threw food and drinks in Michael’s face on numerous occasions. She called him names and got away with behavior that only a woman could. Angela acted this way in public, in front of Michael’s family, and behind closed doors.

Angela wasn’t shy about how she treated Michael. She even popped up randomly in Nigeria and tore apart his car when she thought he was cheating. There’s a line between entertaining TV and concerning behavior and Angela has crossed it many times. She controlled her husband, from his job to his personal life to his finances. She disrespected him and lied. Plus, she had endless double standards. For instance, she thought it was okay to make duets with a Canadian stripper even though Michael wasn’t allowed to look at a stripper at their joint bachelor party. Even if her behavior was heightened for production, fans have begged for the star to be removed due to her appalling behavior toward her husband. The uproar her behavior has caused suggests that her actions aren’t appropriate even for reality TV.

Angela Deem’s Actions Stain Her and the Franchise’s Reputation

There’s the day-old saying that any publicity is good publicity, and it seems the 90 Day Fiancé star may have taken that to heart. Compared to previous seasons, Michael and Angela didn’t seem to have as much screen time, but the parts of their relationship they did share this season were filled with endless turmoil. Angela seemed willing to do anything for the sake of “good” reality TV. Once again, Angela was screaming at Michael with all her might in the middle of a hotel because of his shady behavior. She snatched his phone and invaded his privacy, looking for proof that he was a scammer. She even tried to have hotel security intervene when Michael did not want to give her the phone. Unfortunately for Michael, coming to America didn’t change anything.

Angela still embarrassed him, this time in front of her family and at public restaurants. She sat down for a meal with her daughter Skyla and unashamedly bashed her husband for all to see. That wasn’t enough though, as Angela embodied the full theatric potential of the scene and bit a chunk of food to spit at her husband. She didn’t draw the line at family members though, because she wasn’t afraid to berate him in front of the other stars at the Tell All either. To make matters worse, her antics work. Even though the Happily Ever After? star might cross the line and raise concerns, she’s still enjoyed enough as a star to reappear in various spin-offs. She still receives endless negative publicity, just increasing her and the franchise’s fame. With stars like Angela being promoted, despite being despised, it’s easy for the franchise to follow a similar path.

Reality Stars Should Be Responsible for Their Actions

Angela Deem from 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After in a black, red, and white dress destroying a car in Nigeria.
Image via TLC

When it is difficult to discern what is good reality and what is intentional abusive behavior, the stars’ actions can create a precedent for the stars who later join the series. Angela is not the only star to receive backlash for her dramatic behavior.Jasmine Pineda is another star who’s berated her partner in the franchise. Similar to Angela, Jasmine made it clear from the beginning that she wouldn’t tolerate certain behavior. She was also incredibly emotional and jealous. Jasmine would lose her mind if she even suspected Gino Palazzolo looking at other women, including a waitress. Over the years, she embarrassed and manipulated her partner on screen with little regard for his feelings too.

While Gino is as innocent as Michael, Jasmine has taken it above and beyond, almost as if she were following in Angela’s footsteps and securing her spot as a franchise villain. Even if both Jasmine and Angela leave the series, there will still be another dysfunctional couple to take their spot. Take James and Meitalia Solis from The Other Way as an example. James is just as afraid and avoids confronting his emotional wife, as Gino is of Jasmine. Meanwhile, Meitalia can be just as emotional as Jasmine, so it’s highly likely they might become the next franchise symbol for dysfunctional love. Overall, as one star gets away with the behavior, other stars follow suit. And since no stars are left to face the repercussions of their negative actions, the dysfunctional and toxic cycle of reality TV will remain.

In the end, Angela has been on the franchise for many years, so maybe she is doing something right. Maybe the uproar is exactly what the franchise wants. Either way though, it’s hard to deny that Angela’s negative behavior is concerning, and it seems like the franchise would rather justify or promote her actions instead of reprimanding her. Additionally, if Michael’s allegations are true, and he left Angela in America because of how she treats him, then maybe his wife isn’t putting on a show after all. With that being said though, Michael has hurt Angela and hasn’t been as truthful as he should’ve been. Therefore, her pain and some of her actions are understandable. But her actions are still not excusable, and it might finally be time to limit any and all publicity the riotous star receives.

90 Day Fiancé and its spin-offs series air on TLC, and are available to stream on Max.

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