After ‘Baby Reindeer’, We All Need a Teri in Our Lives

After ‘Baby Reindeer’, We All Need a Teri in Our Lives

The Big Picture

  • in
    Baby Reindeer
    , Teri is Donny’s moral compass, offering a calm presence amidst the chaos, and showing support and understanding.
  • Teri’s forgiving nature and empathy help Donny face his trauma and grow, highlighting the need for support and kindness.
  • Donny and Teri go separate ways in the end, but their relationship emphasizes the importance of compassion and friendship.

Baby Reindeer is the latest miniseries on Netflix that’s got everyone talking. Starring and created by Richard Gadd,Baby Reindeer is based on Gadd’s real-life experiences with a relentless and obsessive stalker. During the show, protagonist Donny Dunn is forced to confront his own deeply buried trauma as his life spirals out of control. Whilst the show begins by focusing on the connection between Donny and Martha (Jessica Gunning), one of Baby Reindeer’s key relationships turns out to be that of Donny and Teri (Nava Mau). As Donny struggles with his sexuality, he finds himself falling for Teri, a trans woman whom he met via an online dating app. As their story progresses, the audience learns more about why Donny is struggling to connect with the people in his life and how someone with Teri’s infectiously positive personality can make a true and lasting impression when it seems all hope is lost. The character of Teri delivers warmth and heart into a story that can often be hard to digest, becoming a welcome voice of reason amidst the chaos.

Baby Reindeer (2024)

In a dark and gripping narrative, a young man’s life spirals into chaos when an innocent encounter at his bar job leads to an obsessive stalking by an older woman. The film skillfully explores themes of privacy, obsession, and the boundaries of social interaction.

Release Date
April 11, 2024

Richard Gadd , Jessica Gunning , Danny Kirrane , Nava Mau

Main Genre


Richard Gadd

Richard Gadd

Streaming Service(s)

Weronika Tofilska , Josephine Bornebusch

Teri is Donny’s Voice Of Reason in ‘Baby Reindeer’ and Maybe We All Need That

Teri is Donny’s friend, lover, and moral compass at various points throughout the show. Deep down, people can relate to her and may even wish they had someone like her in their lives. She’s thoughtful, compassionate, and honest and these endearing qualities draw the audience towards her. Teri’s character is a breath of fresh air, offering the audience a moment of calm within dramatic scenes, much the same as with Donny’s own experiences. A key example of Teri’s strength of character in Baby Reindeer is how she is eventually able to forgive Donny for the lies he tells in their relationship. Donny keeps the fact that Martha calls him Baby Reindeer a secret at first and lies about his name and his workplace, to keep Teri separate from his real life.

His confusion regarding his sexuality has left him unable to understand what he wants from life, and he’s becoming more and more emotionally unavailable to those around him. Teri manages to see through Donny’s trauma and comes to understand his reasons for sympathizing with Martha. She encourages him to be strong and is the one person truly in his corner for a good chunk of the show. For Donny, the last straw comes when Martha attacks Teri at the bar, ripping out a chunk of her hair and insulting Teri’s appearance. Donny cares deeply for Teri and decides that enough is enough. It’s the motivation he needs to face the reality of the situation he’s so deeply engulfed in.’


‘Baby Reindeer’: Is Netflix’s Latest Hit Getting a Season 2?

The surprise Netflix hit has many calling for a second season.

‘Baby Reindeer’ Deals With Mental Health Throughout Donny and Teri’s Relationship

In Baby Reindeer, the character of Teri is a therapist by trade and this certainly adds to her ability to break through the walls that Donny has constructed in hopes of protecting himself. Nava Mau told Netflix blog Tadum that it was Teri’s therapist background that initially drew her to the role:

“I was a counselor to survivors of violence in my previous career. It was serendipitous that Teri’s a therapist. I understood the mode that she gets in with Donny sometimes. I came to call it like flipping a switch. There was the switch that she would flip when she’s going to be seductive, and she could flip it back when she’s in therapist mode.”

Deep down, Teri knows that Donny is holding back on her and that she’s not getting full access to his life, but perhaps part of her knows that he’ll confide in her when the time is right. She has faith in Donny and isn’t just his love interest, she’s also an amazing friend. This is reflected in her support of Donny’s comedy career and her worry for his safety as Martha becomes increasingly unstable.

Do Donny and Teri End Up Together at the End of ‘Baby Reindeer’?

Richard Gadd as Donny flirts with Nava Mau as Teri on a bus in 'Baby Reindeer'

The ending of Baby Reindeer sees Donny and Teri go their separate ways, and Teri seems happy with her new partner. But audiences could be forgiven for hoping that perhaps there’s a chance they will stay in touch as friends, given the strong bond they’ve formed. The ending of Baby Reindeer focuses more on Donny opening up to his family about the sexual abuse that he’s suffered in years gone by, and ultimately being granted the acceptance and support that he so desperately needs. His decision to report Martha and take action against her shows how much he’s grown and evolved during this hard-hitting, emotional miniseries.

One thing to take away from Baby Reindeer is that we could all “be more Teri” in situations. We could all put a little more effort into supporting and standing up for our friends and loved ones just like Teri does in the show. Teri’s depth and empathy as a character is also reflected in real life in Nava Mau herself, who is a force for good. She’s worked with survivors of violence as a peer counselor and as a legal assistant. She also writes, directs, and stars in movies. Is there anything Nava Mau can’t do? She’s inspiring and driven, and it’s exactly what the world needs more of right now.

Baby Reindeer is available to stream on Netflix in the U.S.



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