Cannes According to Jason Wald of Neon

Cannes According to Jason Wald of Neon

Neon’s vp acquisitions and production Jason Wald is back in Cannes and ready for business.

Last year, the company acquired Anatomy of a Fall for North America. That meant that Neon films have scored four consecutive Palme d’Or awards, thanks to Parasite in 2019, Titane in 2021 and Triangle of Sadness in 2022. 

Ahead of the Cannes Film Festival, Wald talked to THR about the best and worst of the Croisette, as well as his “only in Cannes” moment.

Best bargain in Cannes?

Anywhere that serves a half-decent, quickly prepared iced coffee. There are only a few, and they’re worth it.

Favorite meal in Cannes?

Le Maschou in Le Suquet. I feel like this is such an obvious answer, but the food is always amazing.

Most overrated restaurant?

All of those newer restaurants on that one side street with La Môme.

Place to avoid during the festival?

That stretch of the Croisette, from the Palais down to about a block past the Majestic, during the evening premieres. Total calamity.

Your “only in Cannes” moment?

Those random times you somehow end up on the red carpet at the Lumière with actual famous people. Though, it’s not fun having dozens of photographers scream at you to move out of the way.

Biggest Cannes pet peeve? 

You would be amazed while you are here how often someone will tell you, in perfect French-accented English, “It’s not possible.”

Cannes guilty pleasure? 

I only go once, but the McDonald’s in the Main Square is pretty wonderful.

Most interesting celeb encounter? 

I will forever remember seeing Jason Statham at the next table over in a club one year. He was kind of punch-dancing in a way that for anyone else would look silly, but for him looked effortlessly cool.

Attitude toward timing/reporting on standing ovations at premieres? 

A fun tradition, but hard to take seriously as a data point in a sales pitch.


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