Forget Jude Law, You’re All Sleeping On Jack Black in ‘The Holiday’

Forget Jude Law, You’re All Sleeping On Jack Black in ‘The Holiday’

The Big Picture

  • Jude Law’s character in
    The Holiday
    is often praised for his charm, but Jack Black’s character is just as sweet and romantic.
  • Miles showcases kindness, humor, and a romantic gesture that outshines Graham, offering the ideal partner in the movie.
  • Director Nancy Meyers also believes that Miles is the right guy, emphasizing his lovable and adorable qualities in
    The Holiday

Nancy Meyers has a knack for creating not only the most aesthetically pleasing films but also writing characters that capture the hearts of every watcher. The Holiday is no exception. You can ask a group of people who their big movie crush is, and at least one of them will say Jude Law in The Holiday, and who would blame them? He has an impeccable sweater collection, looks fantastic in glasses, and is an adorably doting father. In fact, he takes “DILF” to a whole other level. There’s absolutely no denying the appeal and charm of his character. But as I’ve gotten older and rewatched The Holiday for a little seasonal comfort, I can’t help but see things in a new light. Specifically just how perfect Jack Black is in it, and how we are all sleeping on him as the true romantic dream man of the movie

Jude Law Is the Easy Heartthrob Pick in ‘The Holiday’

Listen, Jude Law is Jude Law. He’s your typical heartthrob, leading man, Casanova type. He’s unbearably handsome and there is no denying it. So it’s only natural that his character in The Holiday would be equally as charming. Law plays Graham Simpkins, the brother of one of our other main characters, Iris (Kate Winslet). A book editor and a single father with a knee-weakening British accent, he’s quite literally the perfect catch. And our other leading lady Amanda (Cameron Diaz) happens to agree. Through her, we see more of Graham’s softer side, how sensitive and caring he is towards his daughters, and also how reserved and protective he can be because of them and the death of his wife. But as the movie plays out, Amanda manages to slip into his life seamlessly and the pair embark on a beautiful romance. Backdropped by snowy England, it’s no wonder viewers are drawn to Amanda and Graham’s love story, but it is the easy choice. That’s not to say it’s the wrong one, but a rewatch of the film may just open your eyes to the romance between Iris and Miles. At least, it did mine.

Jack Black Is the Better Love Interest in ‘The Holiday’

Jack Black staring adoringly at Kate Winslet while wearing a suit in 'The Holiday'
Image via Sony Pictures 

As the movie’s premise follows two women who decide to swap houses for the holidays, we see two different lifestyles unfold. Iris’ quaint and cozy, albeit a little dreary, life in England, and Amanda’s lavish but lonely life in Los Angeles. Swapping the two gives us a “fish out of water” dynamic that bodes well for the rom-com genre and allows for spectacular romances to take place. When we first meet Iris, she’s helplessly in love with her engaged co-worker Jasper (Rufus Sewell), who continuously leads her on and takes advantage of her obvious affection for him. So when she swaps homes with Amanda, she’s given the opportunity to cleanse herself of her attachment to the man, and hopefully find it in her to move on. Enter Miles, who himself is in a bit of a messy love situation, as he catches his girlfriend cheating on him. He and Iris bond over their shared relationship woes, which eventually makes way for a sweet romance.


Jack Black’s Most Underrated Movie Role Was Based on This Real Story

This Richard Linklater film showcased the actor’s underutilized dramatic chops.

Miles is the complete antithesis of Jasper. He’s kind and personable, funny and sweet, and he gives Iris his uninhibited attention. He comforts her when she’s down and always makes her laugh. They share similar humor and a love for classic movies. This leads to what is quite possibly the most romantic scene in the entire film. Iris enlists Miles’ help in creating a melody for her new friend Arthur Abbott (Eli Wallach), a screenwriter from the Golden Age of Hollywood who is having a gala thrown in his honor. After Miles shows Iris what he’s come up with she cheerfully exclaims “It sounds like him!” Only for Miles to reply that he wrote one that sounds like her too. He plays it for her and tells her he “used only the good notes.” And if that doesn’t just scream romance I don’t know what does. He even offers to fly to England for New Year’s so he can take her on a date! How are we still choosing Graham over him?

Miles is the Ideal Partner in ‘The Holiday’

Obviously, everything comes down to personal taste, so there’s truly no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing between Miles and Graham. But as I’ve gotten older, with every rewatch of The Holiday, I can’t help but feel that Miles is the ideal partner. Graham is charming and warm, and he’s a great father, but I find myself laughing more when Miles is on screen and feeling all bubbly whenever he and Iris share a scene. And isn’t that the kind of effect you want from a romantic partner? I get it, it can be hard to look past Jack Black’s goofy nature and see his character as the leading man, but if you’re able to, you may just find that Miles has been the man of your dreams all along.

Miles is as charming as Graham, he just has a more lighthearted way about him while Graham is a slightly more serious character. Most importantly, he makes Irish laugh and small all the time, even when her life seems hopeless because of Jasper. Through her relationship with Miles, Iris is able to see what she truly deserves, which is a nice man who will write symphonies about her and fly to England to ring in the New Year with her! It’s peak romance and Miles deserves just as much praise as Graham. Even Nancy Meyers herself says that Miles is the perfect guy. In an interview, she spoke about The Holiday and shared her process in casting Jack Black as Miles, and why she believes he makes for such a good love interest.

“I saw School of Rock and I just adored him, I thought he popped off the screen. He spoke to me as an audience member. I just thought this guy is so great with these kids, that was a really hard performance, great movie, and he was spectacular in it. When I was thinking of this movie I thought he was someone I would like to write a part for.” Meyers shared of Black. “I’m aware he’s not Clark Gable, he’s not tall dark and handsome, but he’s adorable, he’s lovable. It’s my way of saying this is the right kind of guy, this is what most guys look like if they’re lucky, he’s so adorable, and why not? Everybody has a heart and deserves to fall in love and he should get a great girl. So I fixed him up with Kate Winslet.”

So, case closed. Even Nancy Meyers believes that Miles is the right guy. And she hits the nail on the head. He is adorable, he is lovable, and he does deserve a great girl, and when he does get her it’s all the more joyous. I love Graham as much as the next person, but when it really comes down to it, Miles is the one who ticks the boxes for me. Miles and Iris’ relationship is peak rom-com excellence, and it’s time we start showing him the appreciation he deserves!

The Holiday is available to stream on Netflix in the U.S.



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