It’s Been 2 Years Since it Was Nerfed and Elden Ring Fans Still Can’t Stop Talking about the Hardest NPC in the Game

It’s Been 2 Years Since it Was Nerfed and Elden Ring Fans Still Can’t Stop Talking about the Hardest NPC in the Game

The award-winning Elden Ring is a game known for its hard bosses, and the difficulty of the game is what gives it identity. According to the director Hidetaka Miyazaki himself, the game is made insanely laborious to play through to give the player a great sense of achievement once they finally get over a stage in the game.

What newer players won’t know is how the game originally included a variety of glitched dogs, which could easily one-shot players when dealt with, making them stronger than some of the bosses in the game. Although it was patched in a few months, it remains one of the most talked about topics in the community of Elden Ring.

Overpowered Bleed Dog In Elden Ring

The bleed dogs can deal blood loss damage to the player if not careful. Particularly the small bleed dog was notorious for being the toughest to deal with as a glitch and error in its game files allowed it to deal a great amount of damage to the player.

Why Were Bleed Dogs So Overpowered In Elden Ring

It was a major oversight from the studio when Elden Ring was released. The small bleed dogs in a short time became known for being one of the most annoying characters to deal with due to the above-mentioned reasons.

Elden Ring Bosses Are Difficult
Elden Ring

Upon some further inspection by the fans themselves, it turned out that the game files for the NPC character had an error. This error allowed the game to forget if the small bleed dog had already dealt damage to the player, giving it a glitched animation and a hitbox that dealt continuous damage if the player happened to be inside it.

This error was patched in August 2022, nearly 6 months after the release of the game. The 1.04 update not only fixed the broken bleed dogs that continuously annoyed the players but also fixed a fake wall in the Volcano Manor, which the players discovered would break and reveal another room if it was hit 50 times.


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It remains a question if the said wall was put there intentionally or for any other purpose by Fromsoftware. It was not revealed even in the patch notes why the wall was there in the first place, but it is theorized it was fixed to stop players from hitting every other wall aimlessly in the vicinity.

Why The Broken Bleed Dogs Remain Relevant Even Today

While many found the overpowered NPC to be annoying, it soon turned out to be a topic of humor amongst the Elden Ring fan base. The thought of an overpowered small bleed dog that could one-shot players and was stronger than the bosses of the game themselves is something that was thought to be funny and is often talked about within the game’s forums and social media platforms.

Talking about the unforgettable NPC, some users on Twitter said:

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The gameplay experience of Elden Ring is, simply put, a masterpiece. The music, the art, the storytelling, and a lot of other elements make it one of the best video game titles to be ever produced in the gaming industry. Players now eagerly wait for the upcoming “Shadow of the Erdtree” DLC pack, which is rumored to tell more about the character of Miquella in the storyline.

Elden Ring is available to purchase on Steam.

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