Movies That Accurately Portray Abusive Relationships

Movies That Accurately Portray Abusive Relationships


  • Authentic portrayals of abusive relationships in movies are rare, often lacking subtlety and nuance.
  • Some standout films successfully capture the horrors of abuse, shedding light on survivors’ struggles.
  • From cult abuse to substance addiction, these movies delve deep into the complexities of abusive relationships.

Over time, several movies have addressed relationship abuse and domestic violence, but only a handful have authentically portrayed the harrowing realities. Often, these films lack subtlety in their writing and feature exaggerated performances. Many movies come across as manipulative and preachy, undermining the depth of the topic.

Exploring abusive relationships on screen proves immensely challenging for filmmakers due to the issue’s sensitivity. Most of them struggle to capture the complexity and depth of such a delicate subject. However, some of the films made it up the set bar, portraying the horrors and realities of abuse. Here are fifteen movies that explore the complexities of abusive relationships realistically.

Trigger Warning: This article contains sensitive topics and descriptions of abuse and abusive relationships

15 Sleeping With the Enemy (1991)

20th Century Fox

While not a standout among the other movies on this list, Sleeping With the Enemy significantly captures the harsh truths of an abusive relationship. The film depicts a woman yearning to escape her oppressive husband and planning to alter her identity and appearance. The tension escalates when her husband discovers her affair with a school teacher.

A Jealous and Abusive Husband

Despite the script’s lack of subtlety, Julia Robert’s acting evokes genuine sympathy, making her character relatable and engaging. Although the movie falls short in nuance and restraint, Robert shines in a standout performance. She draws the audience into the emotional complexities of the character’s struggle to break free from the confines of an abusive marriage.

Rent Sleeping With The Enemy on Apple TV+

14 Dangerous Intentions (1995)

Dangerous Intentions (1995)

Dangerous Intentions tackled the issue of domestic violence in 1995, a period when such themes were relatively new in cinema. The movie, based on a true story, chronicles a woman’s struggle with an abusive spouse, unsupportive parents, and a legal system that fails to shield her. This movie’s vintage origin makes it intriguing, highlighting problems that persist in contemporary society, such as victim-blaming.

Addressing Issues Like Victim Blaming in the Face of Abuse

Despite its age, the film remains relevant, shedding light on enduring issues faced by abuse survivors. It serves as a potent reminder of individuals’ challenges within oppressive relationships and societal structures. Dangerous Intentions resonates with audiences due to its realistic themes and a wonderfully nuanced and sincere depiction of an abuse victim by actor Donna Mills.

Watch Dangerous Intention on Tubi

13 Bleeder (1999)

Bleeder (1999)
Scanbox Entertainment

Nicolas Winding Refn, the acclaimed Danish filmmaker, crafted a lesser-known but exceptional film following his iconic Pusher. Bleeder revolves around a young alcoholic who takes sadistic pleasure in violent movies. His relationship turns abusive upon discovering his partner’s pregnancy, pushing him to the brink of madness.

Bleeder Shows The Dark Side of Humanity by Focusing on the Abuser in a Relationship

The impending life changes trigger his rage and frustration, resulting in disturbing and unsettling moments. While not as popular as his other works, Bleeder stands out as one of Refn’s superior films, delving into the dark corners of human emotions and relationships. This underrated gem from the ’90s has the power to haunt viewers’ thoughts long after viewing. For fans of Mads Mikkelsen, the movie is one of his best-supporting roles, where he plays an introvert obsessed with cinema. Bleeder is not currently available to rent or stream.

12 Edge of Madness (2002)

Edge of Madness (2002)

A Wilderness Station, the 2002 book by Alice Munro, revolves around a young woman trapped in an arranged marriage, enduring abuse from her husband. The story kicks off with her confessing to his murder, portraying the enduring challenges she confronts afterward. Despite not being a cinematic masterpiece, its adaptation, Edge of Madness remains a compelling watch due to its modest budget and sincere portrayal of the subject.

A Nightmare Scenario in an Arranged Marriage

This film candidly explores the woman’s struggles, offering an honest perspective on the consequences of abuse. Despite its limitations, the movie’s straightforward approach makes it a worthwhile viewing experience, shedding light on the harsh realities survivors face within the constraints of its resources. The period piece, set in 1851 in Manitoba’s Red River Valley, adds an extra layer of intrigue to the film’s themes, giving them historical relevance in the suffering women have faced throughout the ages at the hands of weak men. Edge of Madness is not available to stream or rent.

11 Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)

Abuse within a cult is not as prevalent as other forms of abusive relationships. Yet, their sensational nature and scale often make them much talked about once an outsider breaks down the portrayed peaceful veneer. Martha Marcy May Marlene is unique in the way it focuses entirely on the emotions and paranoia that come after leaving an abusive relationship, as even after escaping, Martha can’t get over the trauma of the events that happened to her.

Abuse in a Cult Marks Its Victims for Life

A breakout role for actor Elizabeth Olsen that showed her wide range and skill at such a young age, Martha Marcy May Marlene showcased a wide range of emotions under the fear of cult mentality. While the movie takes place after Martha finds herself ‘free’ of her captors, the movie delves into how cults can create abusive and dependent relationships between others that help to exert control — contrasting this to the constant fear that Martha feels that she will be brought back at any moment, isolating her from her family paints a tragic yet realistic portrayal of survival.

Rent Martha Marcy May Marlene on Apple TV+

10 Flight (2012)



Release Date
November 2, 2012


Renowned director Robert Zemeckis, famed for classics like Forrest Gump and Back to the Future, crafted a hidden gem: Flight. Regardless of its obscurity, the film delivers a brutally honest depiction of alcohol addiction. Denzel Washington takes the lead as Whip Whittaker, a skilled pilot who miraculously saves his passengers by executing a daring crash landing.

Exploring How Substance Abuse Affects Relationships

The story unveils Whittaker’s life, diving into his struggles with abuse and his turbulent family dynamics. Washington’s exceptional performance ensures Whittaker’s complexity shines through, eliciting a myriad of emotions. Under Zemeckis’s direction, Flight stands as a powerful exploration of addiction and abuse, showcasing the destructive impact it has on one’s career. Watch Flight on Max.


15 Movies That Accurately Portray Drug Addiction

The following films intricately highlight the grief and pain that comes with a life of substance abuse.

9 Heaven Knows What (2014)

Heaven Knows What

Heaven Knows What is based on an unpublished memoir by Arielle Holmes, who also stars in the movie, about her past heroin addiction and poverty in the heart of New York City. While focusing largely on Holmes’s struggles, the film also focuses on her troubled relationship with Ilya Leontyev, whose book was dedicated to his memory after passing away from an overdose.

A True Account of a Troubled Relationship Under Substance Abuse and Poverty

It is undeniable that substance abuse complicates any issue, often going hand-in-hand with mental health issues when looking at how it affects the unhoused. The Safdie Brothers, with their fine eye for capturing life in New York in all its facets, had reached out to Holmes for her to both write about her story and eventually star in the film.

The adaptation is certainly realistic, and the way it explores her relationship with Illya shows the complexities of mental and physical dependency. Notably, his being abusive and destructive does little to pull Holmes away from him, and even when apart, she finds herself drawn to him; the two both deal with the same struggles, pushing past the erratic and often violent persona of Ilya.

Rent Heaven Knows What on Prime

8 Private Violence (2014)

Private Violence Doucmentary

Although domestic abuse statistics are staggering, the most powerful depiction of their impact often comes through personal narratives. In the 2014 documentary, the focus narrows in on a justice advocate and the survivor she represents. Deanna, who suffered severe abuse at the hands of her husband, endured a horrifying ordeal, including abduction and brutal beatings.

A Difficult Documentary to Approach but an Essential One

Private Violence chronicles Deanna’s story, championed by advocate Kit Gruelle, herself a domestic violence survivor. This movie sheds light on the challenges a survivor faces within the legal system, highlighting the daunting complexities of seeking justice and safety in the aftermath of domestic abuse. Getting a firsthand account from an actual survivor of domestic abuse can be harrowing. Still, it also serves as one of the best ways to understand how it affects those in abusive relationships.

Watch Private Violence on Tubi

7 Always Shine (2016)

Always Shine (2016)
Oscilloscope Laboratories

Abusive relationships are not always apparent; where one sees that they are not doing anything wrong, another can paint a picture of a lifetime of being put down by the other. This is particularly true when people measure each other against themselves, and Always Shines pins two actors against each other, with one unaware their friendship has become underlying toxic and abusive through the constant misconceptions and stifled hatred from the other.

Jealousy Can Create Deep Rooted Resentment Leading to Unhealthy Conflict

While Always Shine may not be as clear-cut a case of abuse as others in this list, the Sophia Takal film does a sensational job of showing how underlying resentment and jealousy can create abusive relationships if gone unchecked. The sense of realism comes from the phenomenal performance of Caitlin Fitzgerald and Mackenzie Davis. Davis’s performance, in particular, is wonderfully executed and worthy of praise in capturing the repressed anger of a woman seeing her friend as not only competition but a hindrance to her rise to fame.

Stream Always Shine on Pluto TV

6 Berlin Syndrome (2017)

Berlin Syndrome

Berlin Syndrome

Release Date
April 20, 2017


Shaun Grant , Melanie Joosten

In Germany, Clare has a one-night stand with Andi, only to wake up locked in his apartment. Initially considering it an accident, she realizes he intends to keep her captive indefinitely. The film isn’t rooted in realism but serves as a metaphor for domestic violence. The concept of leaving an abusive partner, displayed through Clare’s physical confinement, mirrors the psychological barriers many face in such situations.

The Story of a One-Night-Turned Nightmare

The film delves into Clare’s psychological struggle as she adapts to her captivity, trying to placate Andi by playing the role of a dutiful partner. This intricate depiction of Berlin Syndrome illustrates the complex dynamics between abuser and survivor, emphasizing the complicated decision to escape an abusive relationship. Director Cate Shortland also has proven throughout her career to create strong female leads, with the film focused on their perspective (Lore, Somersault, and Black Widow), and Berlin Syndrome is further proof of her ability to navigate complex issues from a sincere understanding of the plight of women.

Watch Berlin Syndrome on Netflix


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Get ready to hold your breath and feel as confined as these characters, who find themselves trapped in some of the best horror movies.

5 Birds Without Names (2017)

Birds Without Names

Clutching onto an idealized view of romance can be detrimental, as depicted in certain toxic love films. Towako, unable to break free from her abusive ex-lover, resorts to empty affairs while living passively with Jinji, an older man deeply enamored with her. Towako’s life takes a twist when she discovers her toxic ex-lover’s disappearance five years prior, suspecting Jinji’s involvement.

The Difficulties of Breaking Free From a Toxic Romance

Birds Without Names keeps viewers on the edge, skillfully concealing the true culprit. This enigmatic Japanese mystery thriller offers a glimpse into the lives of abuse victims, portraying a cycle of self-punishment that is instigated by the simple need to have a place to call home. The movie delves into the intricacies of relationships, highlighting the destructive impact of emotional abuse. The movie also acts as a wonderful introduction to the works of Kazuya Shiraishi who would go on to direct The Blood of Wolves and Lesson in Murder.

Watch Birds Without Names on Tubi

4 Gerald’s Game (2017)

Based on Stephen King’s novel, Gerald’s Game may appear unconventional, lacking supernatural elements. The true antagonists are human, intimately connected to the protagonist, Jessie. Early on, her husband Gerald’s demise occurs, who leaves her cuffed to the bed while trying to fulfill his rape fantasy. She is haunted by his presence in her hallucinations. Another menace surfaces from deep-seated memories, illuminating the profound impact of her childhood trauma.

One of the Masters of Horror Exploring Themes of Abuse

Throughout the film, Jessie remains trapped, both physically and mentally. However, as she confronts her past, she finds a way to liberate herself from her harrowing present. Beyond being a gripping thriller, this movie serves as a strong allegory for the enduring scars of domestic violence and abuse, regardless of its repression or passage of time. The film also acts as one of the most well-received modern adaptations of Stephen King’s works, sitting at 91% fresh, making it an essential watch for fans of the iconic horror author.

Watch Gerald’s Game on Netflix

3 Journeyman (2017)

Paddy Considine Journeyman

Paddy Considine’s Journeyman presents an odd case in the form of abuse in a relationship that is seldom discussed, being what happens when one turns abusive, but it is by no fault of their own. After obtaining glory in the ring, a boxer, Maddy Burton, suffers headaches and ends up passing out, sustaining long-term injuries that impair his judgment, leaving it up to his wife Emma to take care of him.

What Happens When the Abuser is Not to Blame

The situation is already one of profound tragedy, with Maddy a shell of his former self, but things prove complex when the ex-pro boxer ends up hitting his wife in a moment of frustration. Not even aware of the severity due to his severe mental decline, the act was one of an abusive partner, but Emma’s duty as a wife, her understanding of why he did it, and her memories and profound love for who her husband once was and what he did for their family complicates the problem. An endearing love story, a tragic drama, and a realistic portrayal of uncontrollable abuse make Journeyman a unique entry in this list. Journeyman is currently not available to stream or rent.

2 A Vigilante (2019)

Olivia Wilde A Vigilante
Saban Films

In the film, the vigilante figure is Sadie, portrayed by Olivia Wilde, a survivor of domestic abuse who dedicates her time to locating and punishing abusers. Simultaneously, she strives to locate her own ex-husband, her tormentor. A Vigilanteoffers a revenge fantasy narrative, distinguishing itself by grounding the story in a realistic world.

A Cathartic Tale of Revenge

Unlike typical films of its genre, it portrays a setting where Sadie encounters numerous abusers living freely. Olivia Wilde delivers a compelling and poignant performance, infusing her character with genuine emotions. Despite the cinematic nature of Sadie’s actions, the movie delves deeply into her emotional journey, ensuring that her motivations and struggles remain authentic. The movie also acts as the perfect vehicle for Olivia Wilde, with it currently sitting at 90% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.

Rent A Vigilante on Apple TV



Best Revenge Movies of All Time, Ranked

The revenge genre is often one of the most engaging forms of storytelling in cinema. Here are some of the genre’s best films of all time.

1 We’re All Going to the World’s Fair (2021)

We're All Going to the World's Fair

We’re All Going to the World’s Fair

Release Date
April 22, 2022

Jane Schoenbrun

Anna Cobb , Theo Anthony , Holly Anne Frink , Michael J Rogers

1hr 26min

Jane Schoenbrun

In the modern era, abusive relationships are not always as clear-cut; this is particularly true when entering the online space, with tales of online grooming being, sadly, all too common. While Jane Schoenbrun’s We’re All Going to the World’s Fair does not show the abuser until the end, the build-up of someone online hovering over the life of a young girl and trying to offer advice on navigating online paranoia shows how many abusers have found safer ways to navigate their desires.

How Abusive Relationships Have Evolved Online

Beyond the figure behind the screen, the movie also wonderfully captures the potential downfalls of youth who constantly live online, spending most of their time quietly watching their protagonist indulge in her obsessions on the Internet. The experimental approach may not be to everyone’s tastes. Still, beneath that, a haunting layer of realism exists. There is a good reason why the film has been called one of the best movies about internet culture, and it is certainly worth checking out to see a different perspective on what constitutes abuse in the modern era.

Stream We Are All Going to the World’s Fair on Hoopla


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