Unsinkable: Titanic Untold Review | Investigating the Disaster’s Aftermath

Summary Unsinkable: Titanic Untold focuses on the aftermath of the disaster, providing a unique perspective from the usual dramatizations. The film balances courtroom drama with disaster scenes well, creating a compelling narrative despite some weak performances and unnecessary characters. Strong attention to detail and period accuracy, plus a pertinent study of class difference, make Unsinkable…

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Haley to launch ad targeting Trump’s handling of North Korea relationship and hostage Otto Warmbier

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign is releasing a three-minute television ad on the eve of the New Hampshire primary slamming former President Donald Trump over his handling of the U.S. relationship with North Korea and hostage Otto Warmbier. The ad features the testimony of Warmbier’s mother, Cindy Warmbier.  American college student Otto…

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