Rocket Moments in the Franchise, Ranked

Rocket Moments in the Franchise, Ranked

The Guardians of the Galaxy are a rag-tag group of misfits who formed together to save the galaxy, albeit very reluctantly for some members of the group. One of those such reluctant misfits is none other than Rocket, a genetically altered raccoon voiced by Bradley Cooper and played on set by actor Sean Gunn. From the mind of writer and director James Gunn, The Guardians of the Galaxy franchise is packed full of iconic scenes, funny dialogue, and beloved characters. A beloved portion of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Rocket has also become one of the most beloved characters in the franchise. It is impressive, considering that when the film was first announced, many wondered if audiences would watch a movie with a talking raccoon.

May 2023 saw the end of the Guardians as we know them, with several actors departing the MCU entirely and Gunn leaving Marvel to helm DC Studios. Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3 revealed the truth behind Rocket Racoon’s creation and concluded with a new team of Guardians, with Rocket in the lead. With their future in the MCU unclear, let’s revisit some of Rocket Raccoon’s best moments in the MCU.

Update January 21, 2024: This article has been updated by Valerie Parker to include even more great MCU moments from Rocket Raccoon.

15 Not Understanding Sarcasm & Talking Behind People’s Backs

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 begins with Rocket and the rest of the Guardians, who are hired by the Sovereign to protect valuable batteries from a space monster. After being rewarded for their help, Rocket insults the Sovereign to their face and shows a complete lack of understanding of sarcasm when he insults them directly to their faces.

“You know they told me you people were conceited douchebags, but that isn’t true at all—Oh s–t, I’m using the wrong eye again, aren’t I? I’m sorry. That was meant to be behind your back.”

14 I Would Very Much Like to Go There


In Avengers: Infinity War when the Guardians find Thor floating in space, they quickly discover that Thanos is their shared enemy. After some hilarious banter, Thor eventually reveals his belief that in order to defeat Thanos, he must find a new weapon that he believes will defeat the Mad Titan, and the only place he can do so is Nidavellir. Rocket has heard of the legendary forge. “That place is a legend. They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the universe. I would very much like to go there, please.”

Typical Rocket wants the shiny new weapon. Not only that, but despite Thor calling him a rabbit (something all Asgardians do as seen in Avengers: Endgame), Rocket doesn’t mind because Thor appears to not be talking down to him when he calls him a rabbit.

13 “Bunch of Jackasses Standing in a Circle”

Marvel Studios

In Guardians of the Galaxy when Peter Quill, played by Chris Pratt, calls the group of “losers” together to officially save the galaxy, he gives a moving speech, which of course ends in Rocket adding a bit of crude humor into the mix. As the last one to officially say yes to Quill’s proposition, he says “What the hell, I ain’t got that long of a life span anyway.”

Then the dramatic heroic moment is then hilarious undercut when Rocket says “Now I’m standing, you all happy? We’re all standing up now. Bunch of jackasses standing in a circle.”. This line was actually ad-libbed by Sean Gunn on set and added to the film, becoming one of the best moments in the franchise.

12 “This One Here’s Our Booty”

Marvel Studios

The Guardians first meet when they are all sent to the same prison. Rocket, Groot, Gamora, and Quill are sent to prison after their scuffle — which we will talk more about next — and it’s there that Rocket and Groot stake their claim on Gamora, who is one of the most wanted in the prison due to her connections with Ronan the Accuser and Thanos. One of the prisoners threatens them when Groot puts his hands through the prisoner’s nose prompting Rocket’s speech. “Let’s make something clear. This one here’s our booty! You wanna get to him, you go through us! Or more accurately… We go through you!”

11 When He Tries to Capture Quill for the Bounty

Marvel Studios

Before the Guardians became the Guardians, Rocket, and Groot were a team of bounty hunters obsessed with capturing those with bounties on their heads. When he spots Quill and discovers the bounty Yondu put on him, he immediately goes into capture mode. His efforts are thwarted when Gamora shows up and also sets her sight on Quill for the orb.

Related: Why Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Is an Animal Rights Masterpiece

This scene is the first to introduce Rocket’s love of big guns and slightly sadistic behavior when he says, “I live for the simple things… like how much this is gonna hurt.” In a simple scene, Rocket immediately endured himself to audiences.

10 Making Fun of Taserface’s Name

Marvel Studios

In GOTG Vol. 2, Rocket, Baby Groot, and Yondu have been captured by Yondu’s ex-crew. During one of the early scenes, Rocket learns of Taserface’s name. The humorous conversation goes as follows,

“Sorry, I’m so sorry, I just keep imagining you waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror and in all seriousness to yourself saying, ‘You know what would be a really kick-ass name? Taserface!’ That’s how I hear you in my head! What was your second choice? Scrotumhead?!”

The conversation was so funny, Taserface’s men couldn’t help but laugh along with Rocket. Even in the face of death, Rocket could not help but make a joke and mock someone.

9 All the Times He Says He Needs Someone’s Prosthetic Body Part

The Guardians of the Galaxy at the Kiln
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

If you haven’t already noticed, Rocket is a bit of a funny guy. He likes practical jokes as much as anyone else. In a few instances throughout the series, Rocket tricks someone into trying to get their prosthetic leg, eye, or arm. Quill falls for it the first time when Rocket says he needs a leg to complete his plan to break out of the prison. Later, he tries to say he needs an eye for another plan, though Quill calls him out on that one, sparing the person from losing their eye.

One of the benefits of a cinematic universe like the one Marvel has created is the ability to carry on repeated jokes throughout the properties. Almost from the first moment that Rocket started asking for different prosthetic body parts in the Guardians films, fans hoped for a meeting between him and Bucky Barnes, aka The Winter Soldier.

Avengers: Infinity War delivered that moment when the duo met on the battlefield in Wakanda. Rocket first asked how much Bucky would like for the giant gun he was using, and after Bucky informed him it wasn’t for sale, Rocket countered, asking how much for Bucky’s new prosthetic arm, provided by the Wakandans. Bucky didn’t even deign to respond to that one, but Rocket proclaimed, “Oh, I’ll get that arm.” A moment years in the making and easily one of the most memorable moments in all of the MCU.

8 Rocket’s Christmas Gift

Buckys Arm guardians of the galaxy rocket raccoon holiday special
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

One can’t mention Rocket’s wish for Bucky’s arm without following that up with the universe follow-up when Nebula makes that wish come true and gifts the arm to Rocket during The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. Rocket’s so overcome he tears up at this beautiful gift. Perhaps the best part of the scene is that there is absolutely no explanation as to how Nebula obtained the arm, what Bucky’s doing without it, and what Rocket subsequently does with his new toy. The audience is simply left to imagine.

7 Trying to Explain How to Work the Detonator to Baby Groot

Marvel Studios

Rocket and Groot are close friends even before the Guardians get together. When Groot, unfortunately, dies at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket takes a part of him, leading to the growth of Baby Groot. Unfortunately, Baby Groot is just that, a baby, and when he is tasked with setting off the bomb to destroy Ego in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, it leads to a hilarious exchange between the duo, where Groot simply cannot seem to understand the directions Rocket is giving to him.

Rocket continues to grow flustered and concerned that Groot is going to kill them all by pushing the wrong series of buttons on the bomb Rocket has created. Eventually, a desperate Rocket exclaims, “Does anyone have any tape out there? I wanna put some tape over the death button.” Thankfully, Baby Groot is able to pull through and sets off the bomb.

6 He’s Done Running

Rocket Raccoon and Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was very much Rocket’s movie; in the afterlife, Lyla even tells Rocket, “It was his story all along,” similar to how James Gunn always saw the trilogy about Rocket. In the film’s climax, Rocket makes a decision he has been waiting his entire life to do: he is done running.

He loads up his weapon, and goes back down the very hallway he escaped years prior to finally confront his maker while also going to save the lives of other lifeforms. He is joined by his friends, and he cements himself as a true hero and a Guardian of the Galaxy. The hallway fight is also one of the coolest scenes in the entire MCU.

5 Rocket Cries At Yondu’s Funeral

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in the MCU starring Rocket Raccoon
Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is a very emotional entry in the franchise and one where Rocket goes from selfishly pushing people away to doing anything to protect his friends. Much of this comes down to the relationship he forms with Yondu, who sees much of himself in Rocket. He rightfully calls Rocket out on the fact that he pushes everyone away and self sabatoges because he is not worthy of love.

Related: Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon’s Best Quotes in the Franchise, Ranked

When Yondu gives his life to save Peter Quill, the Guardians hold a funeral for Yondu to which all of his old Ravenger buddies attend. Despite major falling out years ago, the Ravengers honor their fallen friend and Rocket realizes that the people who love him will always be there for him. He sheds a tear, showing how far he has come.


3 Lyla, Teefs, and Floors: Rocket’s Friends and Tragic Origin Story

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 explained why Rocket was so distant from all of his friends (except Groot). Rocket was created by the High Evolutionary and tortured as a lower life form. He formed friendships with his fellow cellmates, who were also experiments. An otter named Lyla, a walrus named Teefs, and a rabbit named Floor. Rocket plans to break him and his friends out, but before they can escape, The High Evolutionary kills Lyla. Rocket, in a fit of blind rage, attacks the High Evolutionary, scaring him, but in his anger, doesn’t leave quick enough, and both Teefs and Floor are killed by the High Evolutionary’s men. Rocket escapes the facility alone, but now knowing he got his friends killed.

This is not so much a “best” moment but more a heartbreaking moment. It is easily one of the best moments in the entire MCU in terms of cinematic emotion. It is a heartbreaking origin and makes Rocket a very tragic character. James Gunn always said he wanted to finish Guardians of the Galaxy because he saw it as Rocket’s story, and in this moment, it is clear the tragedy that was only hinted at in previous films was something sadder than audiences could have anticipated. The moment is made all the more tragic by Cooper’s incredible performance.

2 Rocket Forms a New Guardians

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 Rockets Team
Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 marked the end of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, at least the version overseen by James Gunn. The movie ends with the various characters going their separate ways, leaving Rocket the new leader of the team. Everyone gets one final dance together to “The Dog Days Are Over” by Florence+ the Machine, and then the movie ends with Rocket smiling and laughing, truly happy for the first time in his life.

Then the film mid-credits show Rocket with his new Guardians: He is still joined by Groot (now bigger than ever), Kraglin, Cosmo the Space Dog, Adam Warlock and his pet Blurp, and a child they saved from the High Evolutionary, Phyla. Rocket has now grown into the leader he always wanted to be and leads his new team on an adventure and, hopefully, an exciting new chapter of the MCU.

1 The Names Rocket, Rocket Raccoon

Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3
Marvel Studios

A running joke since Rocket was first introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy is he does not know what a raccoon is. He tells Peter “ain’t no thing like me, except me”. He constantly corrects people when they call him a Raccoon, and this carries all the way until Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. It is here that Rocket finds a cage full of baby Raccoon, thereby discovering his true origin.

Rocket is then attacked by the High Evolutionary, who mocks Rocket and calls him by his test name, 89P13, belittling him. Rocket, though, outsmarts his creator. Turning on his anti-gravity boots and cementing them to the ground, he pulls out his blaster and says, “The name Rocket. Rocket Raccoon.” Rocket’s character had come full circle and was a moment nine years in the making. It was also one audience didn’t know they needed as promotional and marketing material, given his name in the comics, called him Rocket Raccoon, and that was something audiences assumed. Yet, in this moment, Rocket earns his name.


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