What If’s the Watcher Could Impact the MCU’s Fantastic Four

What If’s the Watcher Could Impact the MCU’s Fantastic Four


  • The Watcher, from Marvel Comics, could potentially join the Fantastic Four in their MCU debut to offer help against powerful threats like Galactus.
  • Uatu, a Watcher, has breached his observing vow to assist Earth’s heroes with his advanced abilities, becoming an important ally in dire situations.
  • With the Watcher potentially narrating and guiding the Fantastic Four’s battle against Galactus, the character’s impact on the MCU could be significant.

Very few characters in the Marvel universe are more enigmatic than Uatu, the Watcher. But now that he’s been introduced into the MCU through the What If…? series, people are realizing he may have a more significant part to play in the wider universe. But what can the Watcher add to live-action Marvel projects?

The fact is that the Watcher plays a big part in Marvel Comics, specifically when it comes to the Fantastic Four. This means that when they finally make their big MCU debut, it might be the perfect opportunity for the live-action Watcher to make his entrance. But who is the Watcher, and what exactly can he contribute to The Fantastic Four story?

Who Is the Watcher in Marvel Comics?

Uatu, The Watcher, is a being whose race exists to observe the universe. There are a multitude of them, and their only job is to acquire knowledge based on observation. They arrived at this self-appointed job due to their first interaction with a planet of lesser-evolved species. When they gave them the knowledge of nuclear energy, the species destroyed itself, a fact that the Watchers were both stunned and saddened by. Their feelings of remorse led them to pull back and cease all interaction with other species. Instead, they catalog all the knowledge in the universe so that whatever comes after will be able to know what came before.


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Marvel’s first family deserves to be the next big thing. But here’s why the Fantastic Four need to go it alone.

Uatu’s species also has a variety of what we would think of as superpowers. They have massive heads on smaller bodies and are very tall beings. However, they make up for their rather ungainly appearance by having advanced psionic abilities. They can fly, teleport, and communicate over vast distances. It is also said that they actually store their knowledge in their eyes rather than any kind of brain.

Uatu Observes Our Solar System

Uatu’s only job is to observe our solar system and Earth in particular. He does this from the Blue Area of the moon. In Marvel lore, the Blue Area is a habitable area with breathable air and an atmosphere. Uatu lives there and keeps an eye on the events that happen on Earth, especially when humans are doing anything involving aliens or interdimensional travel. He is very keen to ensure he knows exactly what is going on at any given moment. The heroes of Earth are aware of his existence but largely leave him to himself as he does not intervene. Well, he doesn’t intervene that often.

Sometimes the Watcher Interferes, and It Helps

One trait that makes Uatu different from his fellow Watchers is his innate need to assist the people of Earth. He has broken his vow of observation on many occasions and has been reprimanded by his own race for his actions. However, he is often non-remorseful as he sees his actions as altruistic.

For example, in one of his first appearances, he was able to assist Reed Richards and The Fantastic Four in their attempt to stop Galactus from devouring the Earth. He directed Johnny Storm, the human torch, to find the Ultimate Nullifier. This device was capable of destroying most of the universe, and it was the last effort by Reed Richards to frighten Galactus away from the planet. The plan worked but wound up causing a rift between Uatu and the other Watchers. They felt he had intervened in a situation that should have been allowed to play out. He disagreed and was shunned.


Marvel Is Literally Telling Us What’s Going to Happen in the Fantastic Four Movie

Marvel revealed five Fantastic Four comics to read in preparation for the film, and they might have dropped some shocking plot reveals in the process.

Uatu Has Helped Humanity Time and Again

The fact is that this was only one instance of Uatu stepping in on behalf of the humans. He has proven himself time and again to be the best ally we have against the most intense threats from across the universe. That is why the idea of Uatu entering the MCU as an ally to its heroes is not unthinkable. However, one of the questions is whether that means it will be the same Watcher from the What If…? animated show. Also, why is the Fantastic Four movie the best place for him to appear?

The Watcher Could Be a Great Ally and Guide to the Fantastic Four

With all the casting rumors, it appears that Galactus will be the bad guy in the Fantastic Four movie. That being said, it may not be in their first outing. We may see the Silver Surfer, but audiences may have to wait for Galactus as the big bad. However, if the group has to go up against Galactus, the odds are that they will need some help, at least in this battle. For this, we may see the Watcher decide to take part in whatever battle takes place.

It is important to remember that we’ve seen Watchers in the MCU already. They briefly appeared in the second Guardians of the Galaxy film. They have the same look as the comics but do not speak. If we do have the same Watcher from the What If…? series, he comes with something specific. He has the ability to do something we haven’t seen in Marvel movies. He can narrate.

Could the Watcher Be Our Guide?

If the Fantastic Four movie is attempting to step back and away from the typical origin story, we may get a better idea of their fight against Galactus from the point of view of the Watcher. In much the same way as we do in the What If…? world, Uatu could narrate a story that has already happened, telling it to us as a precursor to the team meeting up with the current MCU roster. This would be especially interesting if they are coming from another reality where, in the show, we’ve seen the Watcher interact with the heroes.

Regardless of how he fits in, the Watcher is a character that could have a very interesting impact on the MCU. He is not there as the first line of defense, but if Earth’s heroes know he’s around, he could be the bridge between the animated universe and the live-action Marvel films. The Fantastic Four reboot is headed to theaters on July 25, 2025. What If…? is currently streaming on Disney+.


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