Why ‘The Masked Singer’ Is Worth Every Bit of Buzz

Why ‘The Masked Singer’ Is Worth Every Bit of Buzz

The Masked Singer, an extremely popular competition show since first airing back in 2019, has brought joy, laughs, and excitement to its viewers. The entire premise of the show is for celebrities of every sort; singers, actors, dancers, athletes, and more to compete in a singing competition, with a twist. Each individual contestant performs in a unique custom-designed costume, and the judges, as well as the viewers at home, have to guess who is under the mask. Fans look forward to the brand-new costumes each season because they are usually beautiful, goofy, and sometimes even disturbing. Overall, the fans have a blast watching this show, as well as the contestants themselves and the panel. The panel of judges consists of Robin Thicke, Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger, and the iconic host, Nick Cannon.

The Masked Singer has become so popular because it is different. Everyone is having fun guessing which celebrity is under the mask. This show has brought some of the manliest athletes, like Rob Gronkowski, and turned him into a fierce White Tiger in his costume. Even artists as famous as Lil Wayne and T-Pain have decided to compete in this show. Celebrities from all over love competing on this show because they get to be anyone but themselves for just a little while. They can sing and have fun without the worry of judgment and their image. They get to be whatever they are dressed up as and just let loose. The excitement of the guessing, the new costumes, the performances, the panel competing to guess the celebrity correctly, and the unmasking of each contestant weekly makes The Masked Singer a national reality television treasure.

Playing Detective

Credit: FOX

The act of guessing in this show is one of the main reasons why The Masked Singer is so fun. Each week, Nick Cannon introduces the contestants, and before they perform, the panel and the audience get a ton of clues from the celebrities themselves. Of course, their voice is disguised, but they get to communicate with the audience and give clues into their lives to help everyone guess. After each performance, they get to give one more clue, and then it is up to the four judges to break all the information down and lock in on who is underneath the mask.

Some of the most iconic guesses have been when Robin and Nicole guessed that the Alien from Season 2 was the amazing La Toya Jackson, Jenny guessed that the Peacock from Season 1 was Donny Osmund, and even Tori Spelling made an appearance on The Masked Singer as the unicorn in Season 3, guessed correctly by Ken. The guessing of which icon is under the mask makes the show worth watching. The clues, the body language, and their singing when the audience and judges get to hear their real voices turn everyone watching into detectives in order to piece the clues together and figure out who is under each mask.

The Iconic Panel Relationships

The panel during the premiere of 'The Masked Singer' Season 11
Image via Fox

The judges, Robin, Ken, Jenny, and Nicole, as well as the host, Nick, have contributed a lot to the show. Not only are these five an iconic group together, but they are all extremely close, which makes watching even better. One of the most fan-favored friendships is the hilarious relationship between Ken and Nick. These two go at it in almost every episode. The fake arguing, the bickering, and the funny judgmental looks and comments that Nick spits at Ken when his guesses are out of this world make the audience break out in laughter every time. While watching, it is visible that Ken and Nick are very close friends, and fans love to watch their relationship grow each season. They bring drama, laughter, and love.

The judges being so involved with the show makes watching it even better. Besides the iconic relationship between Ken and Nick, it is obvious that they have a lot of fun together. Robin and Nicole perform during some episodes, since they are both extremely talented at singing. Jenny and Ken have a competition to see who can get the most correct guesses at the end of the season. Nicole gets emotional at least once a season and attaches to a certain contestant, showing how passionate she is watching everyone competing and having fun doing what they normally cannot do. Some of the best moments besides the performances are when the judges are communicating, because it is always either a hilarious conversation or some competitive remarks being thrown at each other. The judges having fun makes everyone have fun.

Shocking Costumes

Wayne Brady standing beside Nick Cannon dressed as fox on The Masked Singer.

The creativity that The Masked Singer has brought to television has never been done before. Besides this show, viewers would never dream of seeing some of these celebrities in crazy costumes. Tony Hawk, who was a contestant during Season 3, was a very futuristic-looking elephant. Wayne Brady, who won the competition during Season 2, was put into a fox costume with a very prominent old English-style outfit. Lil Wayne, who ironically was actually the first contestant to ever be voted off of The Masked Singer, was in a giant robotic costume, which would never be seen if it were not for the show.

The Masked Singer is a Great Escape

'High School Musical' star Vanessa Hudgens wins 'The Masked Singer' Season 11.
Image via Fox

There have been so many beloved celebrities throughout the course of this show. Vanessa Hudgens, Dick Van Dyke, Nick Lachey, Bob Saget, Kevin Hart, and more have all made an appearance as a contestant. It is not only heartwarming to watch some of these people live out their dreams of singing on a TV show, but it is awesome to watch them have so much fun. The unexpectedness of watching an athlete, such as Lonzo Ball, actually do very well with singing is what makes this show worthwhile. The shock factor of seeing a celebrity in a different profession besides singing join this competition and actually showcase that they have a great voice is an awesome experience to watch.

Celebrities always come out and vocalize the importance of not letting any judgment get to them and find it hard to be in the public eye. With the help of The Masked Singer, the fear of being judged or disliked or trying to look perfect all goes away. They can escape who they are for a little while and dive into the personality of whatever their costume is portraying, which is awesome. Even if someone is not great at singing, like the Beach Ball in Season 6 who, surprisingly, was Mama June and Honey Boo-Boo, still had a blast being on stage. That is what this show is all about. Escaping reality and having fun with the performances.

The Masked Singer is an amazing show because of the shock value, the beloved contestants, the iconic judges, and every funny moment in between. Not only do the judges love guessing who is under the mask, but the viewers do as well. Everything about this show screams unique. The costumes are also a great part because not only are they gorgeous, but each individual costume is dedicated to that specific person. These celebrities are real people as well, and they also deserve to have fun, which they always do on The Masked Singer.

The Masked Singer is available to stream on Hulu in the US.

Watch on Hulu


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